Pearland Barbershop Pedicure for Men

Pearland Barbershop: 4 Reasons Men Should Get A Pedicure With Their Haircut

Ever wondered when was the first haircut done or who was the first person to get a haircut?

Well, archeologists have found hair combs dating back to the Stone Age and are one of the earliest tools found, suggesting that keeping hair tidy could have been important in early human culture.

But that was then and this is now: as we approach 2019, it’s not just a haircut that makes you look and feel the very best you can. Taking it a step further will make all the difference in the world…and that extra step is adding a pedicure in addition to your haircut.

Let us explain: Now we know that you may be a little hesitant to add a pedicure simply because it’s not something that men have traditionally done, but times have changed and with that change also means that your significate other has expectations EVEN IF they never tell you. One of those expectations is having well-maintained feet.

Listed below are four reasons why you as a man should get a pedicure along with your haircut.

Reason #1: Dirty Feet Are A Breeding Ground for All Kinds of Bacteria. However, getting a pedicure gets rid of dirt stuck under your toenails, which provides you with a variety of health benefits.

In addition, while you’re getting a pedicure, your feet will be exfoliated to remove dead skin, and soaking your feet in oil empowers you with additional ant-bacterial protection to ensure you’re healthy and strong to work hard and play hard!

Reason #2: It Relieves Stress. This is super important, especially if your job requires you to stand on your feet for long periods of time. A pedicure can be just what the doctor ordered. As men, stress often comes with the territory of being the leader and provider of your household.

Simply being able to relax can provide you with a needed distraction from it all while being in an environment that allows you to feel at peace and ease, which is one of the best ways to restore and rejuvenate the lion inside of you.

Reason #3: It Removes Foot Odor. There’s nothing like having smelly feet. No one likes to smelling smelly feet and your significant other will definitely appreciate you for eradicating the unpleasant smell that often comes with being a hard worker, provider, and simply being a man. A pedicure uses methods that gets rid of bacteria and infections that you can’t get rid of in normal washes in the shower.

Reason #4: It Makes You Look Good. Let’s face it: women like men who take pride in how they look. You shave, you shower, and you get your haircut, so why not take the extra step to have your feet cleaned and buffed for added sex appeal?

Well, the good news is that the best barbershops in the Houston metro area, now offer this service. For example Joe Black Barbershop in Pearland.

The solution: If you want to take your personal care to the next level, try adding a pedicure to your haircut and experience the difference it makes in your confidence and how you look and feel.