Barbershops in Pearland: Hair Replacement Units

When looking for a barbershop nowadays, it’s not just a haircut that you may be in need of.

In fact, statistics show that men now more than ever before desire more services catered specifically to help them look the very best they can, whether it’s with a haircut, shave, or specialty services such as hair replacement units.

The good news for you is that there are barbershops in Pearland and the Houston metro area that offer hair replacement services.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, androgenetic alopecia or common male pattern baldness accounts for more than 95 percent of hair loss in men. By the age of 35, two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss, and by the age of 50, approximately 85 percent of men have significantly thinning hair.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, unless you’re one of the lucky ones, the odds are that you’re going to experience some form of hair loss at some point during your lifetime. In fact, on average, the human scalp has anywhere from 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles.

According to WebMD, it’s typical to lose roughly 100 hairs each day. The fact of the matter is that as you get older, your hair begins to grow at a slower rate. Even if you’re losing an average amount of hair, it takes longer for new hairs to appear, which can contribute to the appearance of thinning or bald spots.

As a solution, some men, maybe even you have considered getting a hair transplant.

However, according to WebMD, on average, hair transplants can cost between $4,000 and $15,000. Fortunately, there is a better and more cost-efficient way: hair replacement units at barbershops in Pearland and the Houston metro area.

Hair Replacement Unit Services:

  • Restores your youthful look
  • Instantly boosts your confidence
  • Empowers you with a hair unit that’s custom-made to make your hair look as natural as possible

Simply put: if you’ve noticed your hair thinning or if you’re completely bald at the top, hair replacement units can not only improve the way you look, but it can literally change your life.